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[Home] - [Forecast Models]

Layer name COSMO 5m
Tag Meteorological Models
Folder Meteorological Models
Description The model provides deterministic products with a limited area, useful for medium-short term forecasting (up to the expiry of +72 hours) and its definition on smaller spatial scales, is managed by [http: //www.arpae. it / sim / ARPA-SIMC Emilia Romagna] jointly with CNMCA (National Center for Aeronautical Meteorology and Climatology ) of the Air Force as part of the international collaboration project COSMO. This model runs twice a day, at 00.00 and 12.00, providing a forecast of the two-dimensional weather fields with a horizontal resolution of about 5km, covering the whole national territory. It is possible to select cumulative over a greater number of hours and view the results on different spatial aggregations on a regional scale, the borders of the provinces, municipal borders, Italy, weather surveillance areas, alert areas and basins.
Available variables Total precipitation [mm]
Snow [mm]
Temperature at 2m [° C]
Temperature at 500hPa [° C]
Temperature at 850hPa [° C]
Temperature dew point at 2m [° C]
Atmospheric pressure at sea level [mbar]
Specific humidity at 1000hPa [kg / kg]
Specific humidity at 850hPa [kg / kg]
Relative humidity at 2m [%]
Wind speed at 10m [m / s]
Wind direction at 10m [degrees]
Geopotential height at 850hPa [m]
Geopotential height at 1000hPa [m]
Available accumulations 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 hours (for total precipitation and snow)
Available interpolation algorithms
Available filters
Spatial aggregations Municipalities, Provinces, Regions, Meteoclimatic Surveillance Areas, Warning Areas, Main River Basins (ISPRA)

[Home] - [Forecast Models]