Affected Landcover (eng)

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Layer name Affected Landcover(GFM)
Tag Flood
Folder Eo Satellite
Source GFM Products
Description In addition to the affected population, we suggest including information about the Affected Land Cover for a particular flood case.

This information can provide a first assessment of affected land cover or land use types, e.g., how much agricultural area is affected by the flood extent.
Based on our land cover (LC) production heritage and experience, we propose the 100 m resolution LC from the Copernicus Global Land Cover Service enriched with information from the Copernicus Pan-European High-Resolution Layers (i.e., Imperviousness, Forests, Grassland, Water & Wetness) over Europe.
The Global Land Service includes 23 classes and provides annual updates, the overall accuracy of this dataset is 80%.
The Copernicus High-Resolution Layers have an overall accuracy of 85%+ and are available at 20 m (the 2018 version at 10 m) spatial resolution.
In addition to both datasets, we will also include the most relevant classes from OpenStreetMap (OSM) (e.g., roads, railways, etc.) in order to allow a first assessment of affected areas and infrastructure.

Available variables Affected Landcover
Available accumulations
Available interpolation algorithms
Available filters
Spatial aggregations

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