User Guide

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Dewetra 2.0 is the evolution of the former integrated system Dewetra, operational at the Central Functional Centre of the National Civil Protection Department (DPC) c/o Prime Minister's Office since 2008, for the forecasting, monitoring and real-time surveillance of all the environmental risks.
The system has been developed by e CIMA Foundation and is technically and operationally certified.
The application provides, through a graphical interface, a high-resolution and continuously updated information, allowing the user to monitor weather events, to build detailed risk scenarios and evaluate the potential impact of the phenomena on communities and infrastructure.
Dewetra 2.0 allows each computer connected to the Internet the use of the integrated data, regardless the provider. The application manages, in fact, both the data provided by the National System of Functional Centres and the territorial and geospatial ones published as WMS services by other platforms.
Dewetra 2.0 is able to load and display geo-referenced static and dynamic layer, and allows the end users to browse the values ​​of each gauging station and other more advanced observational tools, offering the interactive tools and features for the analysis of ongoing and past events.

This guide is divided into thematic sections organized as follows:


The use of Dewetra 2.0 requires the authorization of the National Civil Protection Department - Central Functional Centre. All rights reserved.
Head of the Convention: Dott. Fausto Guzzetti | Project leader: Ing. Angela Chiara Corina