From MyDewetra World
General Queries
Data Access
Data Quality
- What is GFM?
- How can I request a specific GFM product?
- In which format are GFM output product layers available?
- Which web services are available? https://land.copernicus.eu/global/faq
- How do I subscribe to upcoming products https://land.copernicus.eu/global/faq
- How do I get GFM training and/or access educational material?
- Where do I find GFM's technical documentation?
- Are there other sources I could consult before taking a decision?
- How does GFM estimate the impact of an event?
- How can I know whether the system is fully operational or not?
- How frequently are GFM data updated?
- What time does the satellite pass over my area? https://earthdata.nasa.gov/faq/firms-faq
- Where can I find documentation on Copernicus Sentinel missions? https://sentinel.esa.int/web/sentinel/faq
- Is the information I give to GFM Login really safe? !!only for stand-alone webpages, e .g., Twitter accounts]!!
Can you notify me when a fire occurs in my area of interest?
Are there any restrictions on using imagery downloaded from Worldview?
How can I contact the Users’ Support Service?
If your question wasn't listed, please refer to our Helpdesk.