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Users are also offered the chance to access the MapViewer by means of their [[https://www.google.com Google]], [[https://www.twitter.com Twitter]] or [[https://www.facebook.com Facebook]] accounts:
Users are also offered the chance to sign in to the MapViewer by means of their [[https://www.google.com Google]], [[https://www.twitter.com Twitter]] or [[https://www.facebook.com Facebook]] accounts:

Revision as of 13:27, 4 February 2021

[Home] - [DATA ACCESS]

Users are granted full access to GFM products through the webportals of both GloFAS and EFAS

GFM data on GloFAS

The Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) is the global flood service of the European Commission Copernicus Emergency Management Service, an operational system monitoring and forecasting floods across the world.

GFM products are made available within the GloFAS Map Viewer that can be accessed here.
In order to be allowed to the Map Viewer, users are requested to register to the service by clicking on


Once registered, the MapViewer can be accessed by tiping their account details in the following form:


Users are also offered the chance to sign in to the MapViewer by means of their [Google], [Twitter] or [Facebook] accounts:


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